A tailored education, to allow every student to achieve their very best in life.
Year 5 and 6 Tours every Tuesday and Thursday at 9.15am and every Thursday at 4pm throughout September, October, May and June
Please email: jclyne@kgaprospect.uk to book a place
Apply for a place
Contact us for further details on how to join our school.
Throughout the year, we may have vacancies in some year groups.
We aim to deal with your admissions enquiry within two working days.
Admissions Enquiries
Phase transfers (from Year 6 Primary to Year 7 Secondary) are handled by Brighter Futures for Children at Reading Borough Council.
In-year transfers should be made direct to us.
For students who have an Education and Health Care Plan, or wish to join our resource unit for students with Moderate Learning Difficulties, admissions will take place through the Annual Review Process held in conjunction with Brighter Futures for Children SEN Departments.
Primary to Secondary School Admissions
How can I apply for a place for my child?
If your child is in Year 5 or 6, and due to transfer to Secondary school in the next two years, the process is handled by Brighter Futures for Children on behalf of Reading Borough Council.
Our annual Open Day is every October, and we additionally run Open Mornings every Tuesday and Friday in September, October, May and June at 9.15am, although are happy to arrange visits to the school at any other time.
If your child is already at secondary school and you wish to transfer to King's Academy Prospect, admissions should be made to us directly.
How quickly can my child join King's Academy Prospect?
Please see below for the timeline for phase (primary to secondary transfers)
For in-year transfers, we aim to process your application within two days, and your child will usually be able to start the following week, subject to the availability of places.
We are unable to hold places open for more than four weeks in advance.
What will my child need to start at King's Academy Prospect?
Uniform can be purchased from our nominated supplier, Stevensons, either on line or from their shop in Market Place, Reading. All non-branded items can be purchased from any school uniform supplier.
Your child should provide their own pens, pencils and mathematical equipment – a scientific calculator is recommended.
We provide all stationery and textbooks for students in Years 7-11
My child has an EHCP - how do I apply for a place?
If your child has an EHCP, admissions should be made via the Annual Review process held in conjunction with Brighter Futures for Children SEN Department and your child’s current school.
If you are considering sending your child to King's Academy Prospect with an EHCP, please contact our SENCo Mr J Birk for more details of what support we can provide.
How can I join the Sixth Form?
Please see our pages on Pros6 for details on joining our Sixth Form.
What is the appeals process if I am refused a place?
Parents/carers (and students for admissions to Year 12/13) of students refused a place in all year groups of the school, are entitled to appeal to an independent appeal panel.
Appeals should be submitted to the:-
Headteacher’s PA, King’s Academy Prospect, Cockney Hill, Reading, RG30 4EX
- Appeals must be submitted within 20 school days of from the date of the notification that their application was unsuccessful.
- Appellants will be given 10 days notice of their appeal hearing, which will be within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
- Evidence from appellants and the admissions authority must be submitted five clear days ahead of the appeal hearing.
The appeals panel will comprise
- A Chair
- At least 1 lay person
- This can include governors or other volunteers from other schools, but not anyone with personal experience in school management or provision of education
- At least 1 person with experience of education
- This can include people who are acquainted with educational conditions in the LA, or parents of registered pupils at school
Panel members may not be:
- Members of the LA
- Members or former members of the school’s governing board
- Employed by the LA or school
- Connected to the admission authority in a way that might raise doubts about their impartiality