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Learning about and respecting values, and one another’s beliefs, is hugely important in our growing multi-cultural society. The R.E. curriculum at King's Academy Prospect aims to allow students to identify their own beliefs and culture whilst recognising the importance of respecting the beliefs of those around them in local as well as global communities. R.E. is taught thematically so different religious teachings are studied side by side through moral and social issues that are relevant to young people and wider society. Students are encouraged to consider their own beliefs and reactions to challenging events, problems and issues faced by contemporary society.

Key Stages

  • At GCSE we follow AQA syllabus B, ‘Religion and Citizenship’ and ‘Religion and Morality’. Topics include crime and punishment, poverty, sport, drugs and human rights.
  • At key stage 3 students are encouraged to identify their place in the local community and the world by looking at themes such as beliefs, festivals, music, suffering as well as different religious teachings.

Other than teaching about values and beliefs through R.E. we also aim to enable students to construct arguments and opinions clearly, with evidence to justify them. Skills like these will help with exams in subjects other than R.E.

Miss L McCabe
Associate Senior Leader
Culture and Character and Head of Wellbeing