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Opportunity & Success on a Global Stage

The King’s Group vision is to create a global community of pupils and staff; broadening horizons, fostering understanding and raising aspirations by connecting our academies with other schools across the world.

At King’s Academy Prospect, we believe that an internationally minded curriculum builds cultural understanding, improves communication skills, and promotes knowledge and awareness of the wider world. Enrichment activities such as International Day, overseas partnership projects and overseas trips provide unique opportunities for students to explore people and places beyond the limitations of their surroundings.

Coordinating our international work at King’s Academy Prospect is Sarah Euillet. If you are interested in getting involved in our international projects by volunteering knowledge, or sharing your experiences or expertise, please contact us.

For more information on the KGA International Dimension, please contact International Director,

Louisa Perkins.

We have promoted and celebrated our international dimension in many ways over the last few months, here are the highlights:

International School Award


In June, we were delighted to be awarded the intermediate level International School Award from the British Council. This recognition is testament to the dedication of all our staff who deliver a rich, internationally-minded curriculum which supports students to build the skills of empathy, cultural understanding and language learning needed to thrive in a global society.

King's Academy Prospect is the first of the King's Group Academies to achieve the Intermediate award, and we are very proud of the commitment of all staff and students in achieving this goal. 

As we progress into the next school year, we will continue to promote and celebrate our rich diversity by applying for full International School Award accreditation. We look forward to continuing our work through our partnerships with schools overseas, as well as building a calendar of international celebration days and cultural events. 

International Day 

A key fixture on the calendars of all King's Group Academies is International Day. On this day, our schools come alive with the colours, sounds and celebrations of the countries and cultures represented in their communities and curriculums. International Day is an opportunity to embrace the rich diversity of our student bodies, as well as learn more about the experiences of our friends in our partner schools around the world. 

Ultimately, integrating International Day into the school calendar not only enhances the educational experience, but also prepares students to be informed and compassionate global citizens in an increasingly interconnected world. 

On the 27th June, we began our celebration of International Day with a visit from Steve Eadon from Mingalaba. Having studied German and Spanish to degree level and then pursued a career working for Arsenal Football Club, Steve now visits students in school to teach and promote language learning through football.

Steve delivered inspirational assemblies to all our students in Years 7, 8 and 9 in which he spoke about his personal journey and also about other potential opportunities that learning an additional language could lead to. Our students were very interested in what Steve had to say and asked lots of questions about his experiences.

In the afternoon, Steve took groups of French and German students out to the astroturf and gave some practical coaching in those languages before encouraging the students to break into teams and play a match using the target language. The feedback from students was very positive, and a fun time was had by all. 

On the 28th June, students and staff were invited to celebrate their own cultural heritage by dressing in a traditional style which represented their families' origins.

Our school was a sea of colour, pride and happiness with so many members of our community enjoying this opportunity to truly embrace our rich cultural diversity. 

During the day our students engaged in activities in their lessons that incorporated an international theme. Our Year 9 and 10 students of French enjoyed a performance of a play, all in French. In other lessons, students enjoyed learning about different cultures and languages through various activities. 

At break time, we had a marvellous turn out to support KAP's first International Day fashion parade. Organised and presented entirely by our team of International Ambassadors from the student leadership team and younger years. Students were invited to showcase their outfits and learn more about each other's backgrounds, traditions and cultures. 

Chinese School Visit 

From 1st-5th July, 30 students and 4 members of staff from Liangfeng High School in Jiangsu Province, China, came to visit our school. Each visiting student was appointed a buddy with one of our Year 7 or 8 students, and they had the full experience of spending time in a UK school by attending lessons, eating in the canteen and taking part in extracurricular activities. We are so proud of our students and staff for making our visitors feel so welcome. It was clear to see by the end of the week that this was a truly enriching opportunity for our students and a chance to make lasting friendships.

I really enjoyed being a buddy of a Chinese student as it was a new experience for me. I got to see a new way of life shown by the Chinese students. I had learnt a LOT of Chinese whilst they were around. They had also enjoyed being in lessons at KAP and thought the school was enormous!

Aarjav A, year 8


1. Our buddies helped us carry our books, and the British teacher praised my note-taking in class.

2. Back at my seat, an unfamiliar classmate enthusiastically helped me log into the computer and website. She also said that my Chinese friend and I were very pretty and asked how we found this school.

3. I attempted an English reading comprehension exercise and found it less difficult than those in China, with answers directly in the text.

4. In PE class, a classmate explained the rules of volleyball in detail and passed the ball to me.

Through these experiences, I observed the meticulous and serious attitude of the British while also feeling their warmth and friendliness.



Today marks the fifth day of my visit to the UK and the fifth day at King’s Academy Prospect. During these days, I have made many friends and learned a lot. I am very grateful to the teachers and students of King’s Academy Prospect for their careful care, as well as to the school for its dedication to organising this event. This afternoon, we had our farewell ceremony in the canteen, and we all felt reluctant to part. We took photos together, exchanged contact information, and after hugging each other, we went our separate ways, embarking on new journeys in life. We will have more wonderful experiences and start new adventures. At least in the future, when I think back, I can proudly say "I have friends in the UK!" I really like the UK and this country's atmosphere. Thank you, friends, for your care and attention to us Chinese students these past few days. Dear British friends, I am very fortunate to have met you in my life!


“Life is full of many paths; may we meet again someday”.

Overseas Trips

At King’s Academy Prospect we offer many opportunities for students to travel overseas and explore different places and cultures. Here is a taste of the experiences we have been able to offer our students this school year.

November 2023 - Visit to Christmas markets in Germany

It was a long journey there. We went to a Christmas market on our first night and it was beautiful. The amount of lights were amazing, but the food was the best part. We ate a waffle with Nutella on it, which was amazing. When we arrived at the second market, the next day, we ate Currywurst mit Pommes, it was very sweet but tasted nice. We also had Bratwurst which was huge but was the best thing I had. 

We also went to Phantasialand, which was an amazing experience with the lights, the food and the rides. I went on a ride called Fly and another I don’t know the name of, but was fast. We also went to a chocolate factory/museum where we tasted and found out a lot about the chocolate there.

On the last day we went to the RheinEnergie Stadion which was an amazing sight and lots to learn about the history of Köln FC and where players went and what they did.

Overall it was an amazing experience and one that should happen again for other years and other people who couldn’t experience it, but it was a beautiful time and a lot of fun.

Thomas, year 10

January 2023 - Ski Trip in Italy

I had so much fun learning how to ski as well as gaining new friends and making great memories. I loved all the food we had (which was mainly different types of pasta) and how beautiful the mountains were. The actual skiing was really fun, and  was quite easy to learn. We went on many different slopes, all of which varied in size and steepness, making it a new adventure every day. The evening activities were fun, but it was nice to be able to relax after the day finished. My favourite activities were ice-skating, the disco and exploring the town to get to the pastry shop where I had a delicious pastry filled with a creamy chocolate sauce. I really want to go again!

Annabelle, year 8

March 2024 - Pros6 trip to Barcelona

I absolutely loved my experience in Barcelona and would highly recommend it. Not only did it let us explore beyond and delve deep into the city's history to gain a deeper understanding of its heritage, it also allowed us to ponder the thought of how much of the world is available to us, on how much there is out there that we have yet to explore and learn about. With that thought I have learnt more about myself and more about the things that fascinate me, as well as making memories that will last a lifetime.  

Mariamou, Pros6