We provide outstanding independent Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance. We check our provision against the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure our students are well prepared for the opportunities and challenges of the twenty-first century world of work.
Every student should leave school prepared for life in the twenty-first century. This means ensuring that young people are given opportunities to develop and recognise the values skills and behaviours to help them fulfil their potential. All students should see the link between their learning and future career. High quality careers advice from qualified impartial professionals ensures that students receive unbiased support, as well as recognising that young people want and need to be well informed when making subject and career decisions (Department for Education March 2015).
Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance
We use an independent and impartial third party to deliver the programme. All Together Ltd delivers a modern forward thinking careers programme. The named careers leader is Siobhan Gallivan who holds the Qualification in Careers Guidance (QCG) and Pg Dip Careers Guidance and Education Level 7 All Together
As a school we are committed to the Gatsby Benchmarking framework, to deliver a whole school approach to careers and linked learning.
We continue to developing links with many organisations and colleges – crucial in ensuing that the students see and understand the relevance of their learning to future careers destinations.
For students with SEN needs please view the local offer published by the local authority which explains the support and services – including a focus on moving on preparing for adult hood from Year 9.
We work with Brighter Futures for Children to support our students into positive destinations by sharing intended destinations.
- Weekly careers assemblies relating to how where and when to apply.
- Impartial service through All Together Ltd.
- Life skills sessions in order to build self esteem.
- Mentoring and coaching opportunities.
- Employer Engagement.
- Work place visits.
- Work taster events.
- Apprenticeship workshops.
- University talks.
- College applications workshops.
- Options choices.
- Networking events with employers.
- Self-confidence/Decision making work shops.
- Access to creative online resources and current LMI.
- Careers Champions – the student voice.
- Help with career management skills e.g. CV writing, CV building, job searches and job interviews.
- Use of social media to communicate events and provide ongoing up to date advice.
- Support with transition.
- Student careers ambassadors – to hear and understand the student voice.
Work Experience
Work experience gives students the opportunity to spend time in an adult working environment, carrying out tasks and duties as an employee, but with the emphasis on learning about the world of work. The placement is not necessarily to reflect the eventual career choice of the student but should allow a broad experience of the work place and an opportunity to develop skills for the future. We are delighted to be able to offer this to our Year 10 students in 2020.