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Dear Families,

Facemasks – updated guidance

You will be aware that the government has updated its guidance regarding the wearing of facemasks in schools. We are keen to maintain the very low rates of COVID-19 in our local community to enable our students and staff to safely come to school every day. Therefore, at the current time, we will encourage all members of our school community to continue to wear facemasks whenever they are unable to socially distance.

We would also like to remind everyone of the importance of twice-weekly testing via the lateral flow kits; if you would like additional supplies of testing kits, please contact student services.


A reminder that we do not lend equipment to students who do not come to school with the tools that they need for learning. As an absolute minimum, every student should have at least two blue or black pens, a pencil and ruler. Without this necessary equipment, they will be holding back their learning. Please ensure that your child has everything that they need to support their learning. Specific subjects may have additional requirements which your child’s class teacher will share with them.

Year 11 and 13 students

We are exceptionally pleased with the commitment and hard work demonstrated by these two year groups whilst navigating the unknowns of assessment and evidence portfolios. Further information will be sent home next week about the expectations for students after the half-term holiday. Teachers are currently working very hard as ‘examiners’, in addition to the day job of teaching but we are confident that every student will be awarded Centre Assessed Grades that fairly and accurately reflect their attainment levels.


I am delighted to attach our new uniform policy, which will take effect for all students from 1st September 2021. We believe that the introduction of our new uniform reflects the aspiration and high standards of our school, and we are looking forward to seeing all students in the new uniform in September. To remind you, Kings Group Academies (our Multi Academy Trust) will be funding the purchase of a blazer for all students in current Years 7-10; details of the vouchers will be sent home shortly. The tartan skirt will be an optional alternative to trousers but will be the only skirt permitted. We hope that the policy provides you with clear guidance on which styles of non-branded items are acceptable (e.g. trousers and shoes); if you are in any doubt, please seek advice before committing to a purchase.

In the meantime, I would like to remind you of some key areas of our existing policy which we have noticed a small group of students not following:

  • Trousers must be of a tailored style; jeans, leggings and casual styles are not permitted.
  • The only jewellery permitted is a watch and a pair of small studs in each earlobe. All other jewellery must be removed; clear plastic keepers in facial piercings are NOT appropriate for school and these must also be removed.
  • Nail varnish and false nails are not appropriate in the school environment; these should be saved for the school holidays. Students will be expected to remove these.

If you have any questions about our uniform, either current or from September, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Head of Progress.

Heads of Progress

I am delighted to announce that Miss Blake has been appointed Head of Progress for Year 7 from September 2021. She will be working closely with Miss Ralston to ensure that all our new students have a seamless transition to Prospect from primary schools.

Mrs Vacy-Ash is stepping down as Head of Progress for Year 9 at the end of this month. We are extremely appreciative of all she has done for the students in Year 9. Miss Smith will be taking over as Head of Progress for Year 9 and will continue with this year group in Year 10 from September. Miss Smith is currently Head of Progress for Year 11 and has considerable experience with our Key Stage 4 students. All other Head of Progress will remain with their year groups for the rest of this academic year and into the new academic year.

For those members of our community who have been celebrating Eid this week, may I wish you a belated Happy Eid Mubarak, and wish all our families a very restful and enjoyable weekend.

With best wishes,

Mr D Littlemore